Our experience in the measurement of radius of curvature allows us to offer a diversity of spherometer systems to suit our customers’ requirements. Features throughout our systems are:
Spherometer Ring Ranges are availble in various sizes and available as kit or individually.
Each ring has a 3 ball location. The balls are precise tungsten carbide whose pitch is calibrated to give P.C.D accuracy of better than 1 μm
Gauge Dependent on accuracy required. These may range from independent digital clock gauge (accuracy 10μm) to Heidenhain linear gauge and readout (accuracy 0.1μm)
Analysing system Pre-programmed PSION palm top computer. This enables rapid calculation of results. Radius of curvature can be read directly by in-putting sagita height. Conversely if working towards a radius, by in-putting target radius, a target sagita height can be obtained.
We have a compact rigid stand available. Used mainly on processes when it is preferred to offer the lens to the ring rather than the ring to the lens.
Optical Flats Available for zero setting of spherometer rings.